After the Coronavirus, Hantavirus appears in China
A man has reportedly died in China after being caught by the
Hantavirus. According to the state-run World Times newspaper, the man, who
hails from Greece's southwestern China province, died Monday while traveling
east in Shandong province.
It appears that the person was screened for this bug after
his death. Another 32 people on the bus were tested for the virus, which is
rarely transmitted from person to person. The test results were unclear. The
person was not named in the report, and the cause of his death is not stated.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, the family's Hantavirus pathogens spread through mice. The CDC
stated that "infection with any Hantavirus can cause Hantavirus
infection in people."
The agency explained that every strain of the Hantavirus is
linked to a host of mice. Hantavirus is known as air-conditioned transmission when virus particles travel through the air in urine, blood, and sputum of
animals and affect an individual. In rare cases, a person can catch the Hantavirus
if the affected animal is bitten. Experts believe that if a person touches his
mouth or nose after handling a surface contaminated with urine, fall or spit
food, it is possible to catch the virus, experts say.
A person who is infected with what is known as the "New World" hantavirus in the United States can develop into what is known as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) when found in Europe or Asia. The "Old World" type can trigger hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). ). It is unclear whether this person has developed any of these conditions.
The CDC says that the Hantavirus cannot be transmitted from one person to another in the United States, while in Chile and Argentina it is difficult for human-to-human transmission to be in close contact with people infected with the egg virus. Rarely have documents been submitted.
According to the Public Health Organization, people are prone to catch the Hantavirus in rural areas such as forests, fields or fields.
Symptoms of potentially fatal HPS include fatigue, fever, and muscle aches - most commonly in the thighs, hips, hips, and shoulders. A person may have dizziness, headaches, chills, vomiting, and diarrhea and abdominal pain. Between four and 10 days after the first stage, a person may develop shortness of breath, cough, and fluid in his lungs. One patient told HDC-containing CDC that it felt like a "tight band around my chest and reliance on my face." Among those who have this condition, 38% of deaths occur.
In the case of HFRS, a person's symptoms will quickly subside. These include backache, abdominal pain, as well as headaches, chills, nausea, and fever. Their vision may also fade, and their face may be flared or swollen. This can be followed by low blood pressure, as well as a severe shock, vascular leakage, and severe kidney failure. Depending on the HNTS virus that causes HFRS, 1 to 15% of patients die.
The man died in the midst of a new Coronavirus outbreak that is thought to have jumped from humans to bats or penguins. The virus, which causes COVID-19, has since spread from China to every continent except Antarctica.