Risk Management phase-2 in software process:

Risk Management in software process phase-2:

Risk management:

its related is 

2-Risk Analysis
3-Risk planning
4-Risk Monitoring

2.Risk Analysis:

During the risk analysis process, you will be exposed to all the risks involved and make it happen.
Learn about the obvious and the seriousness of it all. 
Risk Management and planning

There is no easy way
That's why you have to rely on your own judgment and experience
Experienced project managers are usually the best people to help with risk management. These risk-taking are generally health statistics and not legitimate.
But it must be based on several bands:
The likelihood of this risk is very low (<10%), with little reported documentation
(10–25 ٪), moderate (25–50 ٪), high (50–75 ٪) or very high (> 75 ٪).
Risk is a situation like this threat, serious, well-planned or certified
Then you use the order table to tabulate the results of this analysis
Depending on the severity of the threat. Figures 5.12 are at risk, with Figure 5.11. Apparently the style of probability and seriousness here is arbitrary. In practice, in order to make this diagnosis, you need information about it
Project, process, development team and organization.
Of course, risk effects can be both predictable and predictable
Change as more risk information becomes available and as risk management plans are implemented. Therefore, you should update this table every now and then
Repetition of the risk process.
Once the risks have been analyzed and rated, you need to figure out which one is more
Important Your decision must depend on the possible combination
The danger that arises and the effects of that danger. In general, catastrophic risks should always remain
Understandably, as should be the case with all serious risks that are more than moderately likely to occur.

Risk planning steps

Bohem (Bohemum, 1988) recommends identifying and monitoring the 'Top 10' threats.
But I think these figures are rather arbitrary. Monitor the exact number of hazards
Depending on the plan. It could be 5 or it could be 15. However, the numbers
The risks selected for monitoring should be manageable. A huge number of dangers
Too much information will need to be gathered

3.Risk  management planning:

The process of risk planning is a major risk, one that requires careful consideration
And risk management indicates strategy. Again, this is not an easy process
It can be implemented to establish risk management plans. It depends on the decision
Project manager experience. The next number indicates the possible strategy that is
Significant threats have been identified
This strategy falls into three categories.
1. Strategies to follow these strategies mean that what is possible
The risk will be less. Here is an example of a risk aversion strategy
Strategies for dealing with the defect components shown in the defect:
2. Minimal strategy means after-effect strategy
The risk will be less. An example of a risk reduction strategy is for staff

4-Risk Monitoring:

Risk monitoring involves regularly reviewing each identified risk to make a decision
Whether or not this threat is becoming more or less likely and will have repercussions
The danger has changed. Of course, this is not usually observed directly, therefore
You need to look at other factors that give you an idea of   the potential for danger
Its effects. These factors clearly depend on the type of risk.
Here are some examples of factors that may be helpful in assessing these types of hazards.
Risk monitoring should be a constant process, and, in every management development
Review, you should consider each of the major risks separately.
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