What is BUILDING PLANNING…? Orientation, Energy efficiency, Utility and Other Requirements


What is BUILDING PLANNING…? Orientation, Energy efficiency, Utility and Other Requirements

All buildings should be properly planned according to the different needs of a good building. In addition to the need for strength, all other needs are taken care of in the planning phase. Power requirements are taken into account during the structural design of the building components. However, planning by-laws should not violate legal authorities. Building planning is an art combined with science.

Planning principles can be grouped into:

1. Orientation
2. Energy efficiency
3. Utility
4. Other Requirements


The orientation means that the user has the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and the wind and to avoid it when needed, so as to plan the building in the north-south and east-west directions. This is also known as a building plan. Aspects mean the management of doors, windows in the exterior wall to make good use of nature. This term has nothing to do with the architectural aspect of the building's vision. The kitchen should be oriented to the east to enjoy the morning sun, which means that the kitchen should be located on the east side of the building to use the morning sun rays.

The following are the required aspects for different parts of the building in the northern hemisphere:

(a) The eastern side of the kitchen.
(b) Dining Room پہ The southern side to enjoy the winter sun.
(c) Drawing and Living Room - South or Southeast aspect to enjoy the winter sun.
(D) Bedroom - The west or southwest aspect to enjoy the summer breeze.
(E) Spacious living room, classroom, stairs, and light from the north side to enjoy the spreading light.


A building plan should be designed to provide maximum daylight, ventilation and heat insulation. If these requirements are met, the need for electrical energy is reduced.

(a) Light:

Natural light provides an atmosphere of hygiene. The light should not be clear but it should be evenly distributed. Providing windows and suitable sized ventilators in natural locations for natural light. It contributes a lot. Window area to floor area for residential buildings should not be less than 1 / 10th, while for school buildings it should not be less than 1/5 of floor area. North light traces should be provided for factory buildings to achieve maximum spread light.

(b) Ventilation:

Ventilation building has air circulation. Natural ventilation can be achieved at appropriate places depending on the selection and location of doors, windows, and ventilators. Proper ventilation should always be planned. Providing ventilators at the ceiling level is helpful in evacuating hot air. If natural ventilation is not possible for any part of the building, they can provide general or exhaust fans.

(c) Heat Insulation:

Deep outer walls provide insulation against heat. Proper ventilation also helps achieve heat insulation. Sunlight provided to doors, windows, and ventilators is helpful in achieving heat insulation. In factories and assembly halls, height should be high enough to reduce the temperature inside the building. The furnace position in factories should be located far away from other parts of the factory. The wall should provide high-level holes to remove the hot air.


Principles of planning for suitable utility are:
1. Roominess
2. Furniture Requirements
3. Groupings
4. Circulation.

1. Roominess: 

It refers to the proper proportion of room length, width, and height to get the most out of the minimum dimensions. The length to width ratio should be 1.2 to 1.5. If it is approximately square area it is lost for movement, however, it is more than 1.5, giving the effect of 'tunnel'. Room doors should be properly located so that utility and privacy are maximized. Cup cabinets and lifts should be provided to prevent room. Proper colors on the wall and floor also affect the room. The lighter color gives more space effect.

2. Furniture Requirements:

The required furniture position should be prepared in the planning of residential, office, laboratory, hospital buildings and then the position of room dimensions, doors, windows, wards, etc. In the case of planning a hostel room for two students, it may require a central door while, if it is for three students, it should be near the front end of the wall. General Chat Chat Lounge Positions of beds, study tables, and cupboards should be prepared and the room planning. In designing the living room, the positions of sofas, chairs, TV showcases, etc. should be prepared and the size of the rooms and the positions of the doors. The availability of circulation area should be checked. Thus, the need for furniture greatly affects the planning of the building.

3. Grouping:

Grouping means assembling different rooms in the building for the convenience and convenience of users. The dining room should be close to the kitchen, the white sanitary block should be away from the kitchen, but the bedroom should be convenient. In the case of offices, the administrative department is centrally located. In factories, different parts are located such that the product moves in one direction, at least for assembling after mobility. Grouping in residential buildings is to achieve comfort, privacy, and efficiency, while in the case of other buildings, financial services are sought.

 4. Circulation:

Rotation means providing room to move from room to room or floor to floor. Passages, lobbies, halls serve as horizontal rotation, while stairs and lifts represent vertical rotation. Inside the room offers a portion of it for circulation, while another part works for utility. The following points must be considered in planning a rotation:

(a) They are straight.
(b) They should be sufficient.
(c) They should be quite light and airy.
(d) Stairs should be easily accessible to all users.
(E) Access to sanitary services for each user through the passage lobby


Planning for the meeting was the requirement for planning innovation innovations.

1. Sanitary Convenience:

Sanitary facilities include bathrooms, laboratories, urine, etc. Their supply is not only a necessity but also a legal requirement. These facilities should be located giving all users free access. These blocks should provide suitable slopes for easy drainage of the floor.

2. Prospects:

It is about detecting and selecting the types of doors and windows to display pleasant features and hiding unwanted features of the building from the outside viewer.

3. Elegance:

Beauty means a general effect produced for the outside viewer. It depends on the proper position of the doors, windows, ventilators, balconies, etc. Height should be attractive. Width, height, and projections help greatly to the building. The Taj Mahal is an example famous for its beauty.

4. Flexibility:

This aspect of planning means that it is possible to use a room designed for a specific purpose for other purposes, if necessary. A study room can be planned for use as a guest room. If this partition is provided between the living room and the dining room, it is possible to eliminate this partition and use the dining room in addition to the room for family functions. If the kitchen is given free access to the backyard, the backyard can be used for dinner tasks. Thus, flexibility should also be considered in planning.

5. Privacy:

The plan should take into account the privacy of one room from the other room of the building, as well as parts of a building from neighboring buildings and roads. This is ensured by a proper grouping of rooms and proper supply of doors, windows, and ventilators. Admission planning in the right place also contributes significantly to the confidentiality provision.

 6. Resistance to Fire:

It should be noted that concrete and masonry (stone or brick) have better resistance to fire while steel and wood have less resistance. To reduce the use of steel and wood in the bathroom by kitchen and electric heaters. The kitchen should be so located that if there is a fire, it is fired from the building rather than away from the building. In public buildings and assembly halls, stairs should be easily accessible and there is always more than one provided.

7. Sound Insulation:

Noise pollution can be reduced by proper planning of the building. Here are some of them:

(A) Proper direction of the building so that the rooms are away from the sides of the room.
(b) the use of hollow blocks for walls.
(c) Strongly plug the door and window holes.
(D) Use of incorrect roofs.
()) By fixing the pool of water on the outer walls instead of the ordinary wall in the rooms.
(f) Fix the water closet pan on a thin pad.
(G) Holding pipes through walls and floors through insulated clips. 

8. Protection from Termite:
The building should be protected from a deadly attack

(A) Treating the foundation with chemicals during construction.
(b) Use well prepared and well wood in the building.

9. Economy:
Economy without sacrificing comfort, convenience and stability is another basic principle of building planning. This rotation area should be minimized. The material should be selected so that the cost of maintenance is minimized.

10. Provision for Future Expansion:
Proper arrangements should be made for future expansion of the building. Here are some steps to take:

(A) To improve heights without eliminating any part during future expansion.
(B) extending the building horizontally or vertically without damaging the existing building.
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