CSS in web development.

CSS cascading stylesheet:

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to design and publish web pages - for example, to change the font, color, size and spacing of contents of columns and animations and lots more. This module
provides a gentle start on your way to CSS mastery with the basics of how it works, how the syntax looks and how you/someone can start using it to add styling in HTML.
Start fo CSS:
I'll add HTML coding and tags and apply CSS to it and learn some practical things about the language along the way.
CSS application priority

What are the expected effects of CSS?

-Unlike HTML, which is read in order from the top, CSS has priority.

-The priority of the application method is largely in the order of external style <internal style <inline style.

-Details work as follows.

1. After the attribute value! Important; Attribute with () must be written inside the   end mark; (semicolon) for! Important.)
 2. How to put the style attribute directly in the tag (inline style method)
 2. The directly specifying style in HTML document (internal style)
 3. The attribute specified by #id
 4. .Class,: Attribute specified by abstract class
 5. The attribute specified by tag name
6. Properties inherited by parent object (external style method)

How CSS is structured:
Now that you have an idea of ​​what CSS is and the basics of using it, it's time to look a little deeper into the structure of the language itself. We have already encountered many of the concepts discussed here; You can return to this to summarize if you find any later concepts confusing.
How CSS works in web development:
We have learned the basics of CSS, what it is for and how to write simple style pages. In this lesson, we will look at how a browser takes CSS and HTML and turns it into a web page.
See and Apply your skill of CSS knowledge:
With the things you have learned in recent lessons, you should find that you can format simple text documents with CSS to add your own style to them. This article gives you a chance to do so.

What are the expected effects of CSS?

-Information (HTML) and design (CSS) can be managed separately. Only the design can be changed without modifying the information. If you give it as a style attribute for each tag, the source code becomes messy, but if you manage it separately, maintenance and readability are improved. CSS, in fact, is to prepare stylesheet as in HTML. so CSS cascading style sheet has basically three types as mentioned below in the list.

  1. inline stylesheet
  2. internal stylesheet
  3. External Stylesheet.

1. Inline stylesheet:

2. internal stylesheet

3. External stylesheet
External style sheet:
Do you know how to write a stylesheet file with a CSS extension and link it to an HTML document
This is the best of the three methods and has all the advantages of CSS.
It can be managed as a separate design file, maintain and maintain the homepage style consistently, and maximize efficiency.
On the downside, if the external style sheet becomes too complex, it requires professional management know-how.

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