Array implementation in javascript, web development:

Arrays Method in JavaScript, Web development tutorial:

What are arrays?

Javascript has "array-like objects", which are object representations of gestures with a length property. For example:

var real array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

var arrayLike = {
0: 'a',
1: 'b',
2: 'c',
Length: 3

Common examples of array-like objects are functions and arguments in the HTML collection or node list. Returns items from elements such as docs :getElementsByTagNameor document. querySelectorAll.
However, one important difference between objects like saws and arrays is that objects like arrays are inherited.
Object-prototype instead of object-prototype. This means that array-like objects cannot reach the normal ends Prototype modes such as forEach (), push (), map (), filter (), and fragment ():
     Variables = document.getElementById ('myDropdown');
    Different required option = parent.
     var domList = parent. Children;
    domList.indexOf (required option); // Error! Index off is not specified.
    domList.forEach (function () { (/ * stuff here * /) // error! Map not defined.
}); // Error! Not everyone is explained.

Convert arrays to arrays, such as arrays in ES6:

1. Hey.Form
Like array created = {
0: 'value 0',
1: 'value 1',
Length: 2

arrayLike.forEach (value => {/ * do something * /}); // errors
const realArray = Array.from (arrayLike);
realArray.forEach (value => {/ * do something * /}); // work
2. For ...
var realArray = [];
For (array element element like) {
realArray.append (element);

Object to Array converting:
Spread operator:
[... like row]
var realArray = Object.Values ​​(arrayLike);
var realArray = Object
.Keys (like array)
.map ((key) => arrayLike [key]);
Convert objects like arrays to arrays in Ar ES5
Here's how to use Array.prototype.slice:
var arrayLike = {
0: 'value 0',
1: 'value 1',
Length: 2
var realArray = (arrayLike);
Real array = []. Slice Quill (Araiic); // Smaller version
realArray.indexOf ('Value1'); // Great! it works
You can also use to call Array.prototype methods directly on objects
like no end.

Changing them:
var domList = document.querySelectorAll ('#Dropdown list// Do the goods
}); // Error! Not everyone is explained. (domList, function () {
// Do the goods
}); // Well done!

You can borrow in array ways and let them shine on your goal []. method.bind (arrayLikeObject) can also be used:
Version .1 5.1
var arrayLike = {
0: 'value 0',
1: 'value 1',
Length: 2
arrayLike.forEach (function () {
// Do the goods
}); // Error! Not everyone is explained.
[]. forEach.bind (arrayLike) (function (val))
// Do the goods with the wheel
}); // Great! it works
Editing Items During Conversion,
Using Array.from, we can customize a map function that returns maps for the new row.
Array.from (domList, element => element. TagName); // Creates an array of tag names
See Hey Objects for a detailed analysis.

Value reducing in Arrays:

The minus () method is a collector and the array value (from left to right)
Reduce it to a value.
Row Addition
This method can be used to subtract all values ​​of the array into one value:
[1, 2, 3, 4] .redo (function (a, b) {
a + b return;
// → 10
An optional second parameter can be passed to reduce (). This value will be used as the first argument (explicit)
so for First call in function is back call (function(a, b)).
[2] .design (function (a, b) {
Console.log (a, b); // prints: 1 2
a + b return;
}, 1);
// → 3

A flatten array of objects:
The following example shows how to flatten an array of items in a single item.
Array array = [{
Key: 'one',
Price: 1
}, {
Key: 'two',
Price: 2
}, {
Key: 'three',
Price: 3
Version .1 5.1
array.reduce (function (object, current) {
Object [current.key] = current.value;
Return the object;
}, {});
array.reduce ((object, current) => object.sign (object, {
[Current.key]: current.value
}), {});
Version 7
array.reduce ((object, current) => ({... object, [Current.key]: current.value}), {});
Note that the remaining / spread properties are not included in the ES2016 list of suggestions. It is not supported by ES2016.
But we can use it to support the Bebel Plugin Beagle Plugin-Transform-Object Rest Spread.

Minimize the map and use it:
As another example of using the initial value parameter, consider calling a function in the array of items,
Returning results to a new row. Since they are common values ​​and indexing is a common task,
We can use less to compile the list, as the following example shows:
Event Map (List, FN) {
Return list.reads (function (new list, item) {
return newList.concat (fn (item));
}, []];
// Usage:

map(a,b,c)function(n) { return n * n; })
// → [1, 4, 9]
Note that this is for example (initial value parameter only), use a local map to work with the list
Changes (see Mapping values ​​for details).

Numeric Look:
[100, 1000, 10, 10000, 1]. Set (function (a, b) {
Return a - b;
Results in:
[1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
Numeric Sorting (descending)
[100, 1000, 10, 10000, 1]. Set (function (a, b) {
Return b - a;
Results in:
[10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1]
Sorting string by length (longest)
["Zebras", "dogs", "elephants", "penguins"]. Set (function (a, b) {
Return b.length -. aleight;
Results in
["Elephant", "penguin", "zebras", "dog"];
Sorting string by length (lowest first)
["Zebras", "dogs", "elephants", "penguins"]. Set (function (a, b) {
Return a.length -. bleth;
Results in
["Dog", "zebras", "penguins", "elephants"];
Numeric look:
[100, 1000, 10, 10000, 1]. Set (function (a, b) {
Return a - b;
Results in:
[1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
Numeric Sorting (descending)
[100, 1000, 10, 10000, 1]. Set (function (a, b) {
Return b - a;
Results in:
[10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1]

Arrange the row with a strange and odd number:
Set [10, 21, 4, 15, 7, 99, 0, 12] (function (a, b) {
Returns (a and 1) - (b and 1) || a - b;
Results in:
[0, 4, 10, 12, 7, 15, 21, 99]
Set date (descent)
var dates = [
New date (2007, 11, 10),
New date (2014, 2, 21),

2-D arrays:

This is javascript 2d arrays in to apply and mention the dimentions in javascript arrays.

Two dimentional arrays:

2d- arryas with examles:
var myarray = new Array (3);
(i = 0; i <3; i ++)
myarray [i] = new Array (3)
myarray [0] [0] = "a"
myarray [0] [1] = "two"
myarray [0] [2] = "three"
myarray [1] [0] = "char"
myarray [1] [1] = "five"
myarray [1] [2] = "six"
myarray [2] [0] = "seven"
myarray [2] [1] = "eight"
myarray [2] [2] = "new"
Document.Write (myarray [2] [0]);

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