A Safety Critical System, Software Engineering: (Phase-|)

A Critical System in Software Engineering:

Critical system:

Software failure is relatively common. In most cases, this failure causes discomfort but no serious damage in the long run. However, some systems may fail. The result of significant economic losses, bodily harm or threats to human lives This. 

The systems are called critical systems. Critical systems are technical or social-technical. Systems that rely on people or businesses. If this system fails to supply them:
As expected, the services can then result in serious problems and significant losses.
There are three main types of key systems:
1- Safety systems:
A system that can result in injury, loss of life,
Or serious environmental damage. Is an example of an important security system
Control system for a chemical manufacturing plant.
2- Mission-critical system:
A system that can result in failure
Some purpose-driven activity. An example of a mission-critical system is a naval system for spacecraft.
3- Business. A business-critical system:
A system that can result in a high cost of failure
Businesses using this system An example of a business-critical system Customer Accounting System at a Bank
The high cost of systems failure means that reliable methods and techniques must be used for development.
As a result critical systems usually are:
And by the way, the key system developers are naturally conservative.
The high cost of system failure means that reliable methods and techniques must be used for development. As a result, important systems usually occur. Developed using well-tested techniques rather than new techniques

Will be defined more articles further on-site to visit the  link: www.knowledgehu92.infoSubject to extensive practical experience. Instead, adopt new techniques. And by the way, the main developers of the system are naturally conservative. They prefer to use old techniques that are understood instead of understanding the strengths and weaknesses. New techniques that look good but face long-term problems Unknown. Although very few control systems can be fully automated
Critical systems are social technological systems where people monitor and control
Implementation of a computer-based system. 
1-The costs of a good system failure are usually high enough that we need people in the system who can cope with unexpected situations, and often get rid of problems when things go wrong.
Of course, while system operators can help solve problems, they can too. If they make mistakes, cause trouble. Where there are three 'system components'.
 Significant system failures can be:
 2- The system software may fail due to errors in its specification, design or
the. Human operators of the system may fail to operate the system properly. As
Hardware and software have become more reliable, operation failures now
Probably the single largest cause of system failure.
These failures can be interconnected. A failed hardware component may mean that system operators will have to deal with unexpected situations and extra workloads.
This makes them stressful. And people who are under pressure often make mistakes. This
Can cause the software to fail, which means more work for operators, more work
Stress, and so on.

A simple safety-critical system:

There are many types of computer-based systems, ranging from equipment and machinery control systems to information and e-commerce systems. They could
Create excellent case studies for the Software Engineering book, as advanced software engineering techniques are often used in their development. However, understand them
The system can be very difficult, as you need to understand the features and constraints
The domain of the application where they work.
As a result, the key systems case study that I use in several chapters
This book is a medical system that mimics the function of the pancreas (an internal organ). I chose this because we all have some understanding of medical The problem with this treatment is that blood levels are not just insulin levels
Depend on glucose levels in the blood but when insulin injected, it has a function. It lowers blood glucose levels (if too high).
Insulin) or very high levels of blood sugar (if very little insulin is present). Low blood sugar
It is, in the short term, a more serious condition, as it can lead to a temporary brain disorder and, ultimately, cause anesthesia and death. In the long run, permanent high
Blood sugar levels can cause eye damage, kidney damage, and heart problems.
This is a very advanced and automated system which 
It provides an adequate dose of insulin on the surface and when needed. Thus, the insulin delivery system is already available to treat hospital patients. In the future, it is possible for many diabetic patients to permanently attach such a system to their bodies.
The software-controlled insulin delivery system can operate using a microsensor
Involves the patient in measuring certain parameters of proportional blood
Sugar Level
It is then sent to the pump controller. This controller calculates
The sugar level and the amount of insulin needed then it sends a signal to a
Monitored pump for insulin delivery through a permanently attached needle.
Figure 3.1 shows the components and organization of the insulin pump. statistics
3.2 is a data flow model that describes how the input blood sugar level has been converted into a set of pump control commands.
There are two high-level dependency requirements for this insulin pump system.
1. The system will be available to supply insulin when needed.
2. The system will perform reliably and provide the right amount of insulin
Control the current level of blood sugar.

Depending on the system:
We are all aware of the problem of computer system failure. For no obvious
Because of this, computer systems sometimes crash and fail to provide the services they are looking for.
Has been requested. Programs running on these computers may not work as expected
And, occasionally, it can corrupt the data that is managed by the system. We have to Learn to live with these failures, and some of us rely on personal computers we commonly use.
Depending on the computer system is a property of the system which is equivalent
Its confidence in the trust is essentially the degree of consumer confidence that the system runs as expected and that the system will not 'fail'
In general use. This property cannot be displayed numerically, but we use relative
Reflects terms such as 'not trusted', 'highly trusted' and 'highly trusted'
The degree of trust we can get in a system.
his is a very advanced and automated system which 
It provides an adequate dose of insulin on the surface and when needed. Thus, the insulin delivery system is already available to treat hospital patients. In the future, it is possible for many diabetic patients to permanently attach such a system to their bodies.
The software-controlled insulin delivery system can operate using a microsensor
Involves the patient in measuring certain parameters of proportional blood
Sugar Level of a system that has proven to be safe is an infection
With a virus, a secure operation can no longer be assumed. It's because of their closeness
Relationships that were conceptualized as property system dependence
In addition to these four key dimensions, other features of the system may also be considered under the heading:
1. Failure of the correction system is inevitable, but if the system can be repaired quickly, the disruption caused by the failure can be reduced. So that can happen
For this to happen, it must be possible to diagnose the problem, access the component
Which fails and changes to fix these components. When accessing resources through an organization that uses the system and furthermore many aspects of dependency of a system of software engineering.
As this system was recovered, new requirements emerged. It is necessary
So that the utility of a system can be changed and adjusted
New needs maintenance software is software that can accommodate new needs economically and where it is less likely.
Making these changes will cause new system errors.
3. Survival is a very important attribute for Internet-based systems, which are closely linked to security and availability (Allison, et al., 1999).
The ability of a system to continue to provide survival service
This is invasive and, probably, while some part of the system is inactive. Work on
The survival system focuses on identifying and ensuring key components of the system If you've ever tried to create content on a regular basis, maybe for your blog or newsletter, you might have an idea of how difficult it could be to produce high-quality articles frequently. It's usually time-consuming, effort-intensive, and requires top-level expertise including a good command of the English language.
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