Terms of use the wordpress

Terms of Use WordPress

These Terms govern your access to and use of WordPress.com

These Terms also govern visitor access to any websites that use our Services, such as WordPress.com websites operated by our users, and their use.

For some other Automattic products and services, like WooCommerce, Akismet, Crowdsignal and WordPress.com VIP, additional Terms of Service may apply and can be posted on the websites of those products and services.

Our Services are provided subject to your consent, without change, all the terms and conditions contained in this document, as well as all other operating rules, policies (including, without limitation, the Automattic Privacy Policy) and procedures that Automation may publish from time to time ( collectively, “Agreement”). You agree that we may automatically update our Services, and the Agreement will apply to any updates.

Please read the Agreement carefully before accessing or using our Services. By accessing or using any part of our Services, you agree to the terms of the Agreement. If you do not agree with all the terms of the Agreement, you do not have the right to access or use our Services.

1. Who is who

Under these Terms, “you” apply to both individuals and legal entities that gain access or use our Services. If you are an individual using our Services on behalf of a legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to associate this organization with the Agreement and that, using our Services, you accept the Agreement on behalf of this legal entity. ,

We use the term “designated countries” to mean Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, and all countries located on the European continent. If you live in “designated countries,” your agreement is with Aut O’Mattic A8C Ireland Ltd. If you live outside the “designated countries,” your agreement is with Automattic Inc.

In these Terms, we call Aut O’Mattic A8C Ireland Ltd. and Automattic Inc. together as "Automattic" or "we."

2. Your account

If an account is required to use our Services, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information when registering your account and to keep this information up to date. This is important because sometimes we may need to send you noticeable updates (for example, changes to our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy), or we may want to inform you of this and make an informed choice in response to legal requests or complaints.

You will be solely responsible for any activity carried out under your account. You are responsible for the relevance of your account information and for the security of your password.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any website, store or other content related to the Services, and are fully responsible for all actions performed under your account and the other actions taken in reference to our Services. You must not provide or not use your credentials for access. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your account, store or website or any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any of your actions or omissions, including any losses of any kind incurred as a result of such actions or omissions.

When you create your WordPress.com account, we consider this a request for our products and services, which means that we can contact you to share more detailed information about what we offer. Do not worry - if you are not interested in receiving additional information, you can opt-out of marketing communication, whether it is an e-mail, phone call or text message.

3. Minimum age requirements

Our Services are not intended for children. Access to and use of our Services is possible only for persons over 13 years old (or 16 years in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you cannot register or use our Services. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to our Services declares that they are 13 years old or older (or 16 years old or older in the European Union).

4. Responsibility of visitors and users

We did not check and cannot view all content (for example, text, photos, video, audio, code, computer software, items for sale or other materials) posted on our Services by users or anyone else (“Content”) and not responsible for any use or consequences of such Content. For example:

We do not endorse any Content or declare that the Content is accurate, useful or non-hazardous. Content may be offensive, obscene, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typos, or other errors; violate or violate privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our section on copyright infringement and the DMCA policy for filing complaints of copyright infringement) or other property rights of third parties.
If you publish Content, discuss an internet site or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on our Services, you're fully liable for the Content and any damage caused by this Content or your behavior.
We are not responsible for any damage caused by the use, purchase or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other harmful or destructive content.
Any Content offered for sale through any of our Services is the sole responsibility of the seller, and you agree that you will only contact the seller for any losses incurred as a result of your purchase or use of the Content.
We are not a party and will not be liable for any communications, transactions, interactions or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.
Please note that additional terms and conditions of third parties may apply to the downloading, copying, acquisition or use of the Content.
We also did not check and cannot browse all materials, including computer software, posted on websites and web pages that link to or are associated with WordPress.com or our other Services. For instance:

We do not control these sites and are not responsible for their content or use.
The presence of a link to one of our Services or from them does not mean and does not mean that we support such a website.
You are liable for taking the required precautions to guard yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.
We are not liable for any damage caused by non-automatic websites.

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