Chemical kinetics and photochemistry

Chemical kinetics

The second branch of physical chemistry that I am discussing with you right now is chemical kinetics. This branch of physical chemistry is also known as reaction kinetics. In this, students learn about the speed of chemical processes. This branch of physical chemistry explores the effect of various experimental conditions on a chemical reaction. This helps to determine the chemical mechanism and transition states. It also helps in characterizing the chemical reaction.


This branch of chemistry studies the chemical effects of sunshine . Typically, the term "photochemistry" defines a chemical reaction that occurs due to the absorption of ultraviolet, visible light or infrared radiation.

When we talk about nature, photochemistry plays a vital role because it underlies photosynthesis, vitamin D formation, and vision. Photochemical reactions differ from other reactions. Photochemical reactions create high energy that cannot be generated using heat. This allows you to overcome large activation barriers in a minimum of time.
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