Branches of physical chemistry, Quantum chemistry, electrochemistry

Quantum chemistry
 Quantum chemistry
Quantum chemistry

This is a section of Physical Chemistry that focuses on the applications of quantum mechanics in various physical models and various chemistry experiments. This branch is also known as quantum mechanics.

Different models in quantum mechanics:

Wave model
Valence model
Molecular model


This branch of physical chemistry studies the motion of electrons due to various chemical processes. The movement of electrons is known as electricity. Electricity is generated by the displacement of electrons from one element to another in a reaction known as a redox reaction. This reaction is also known as the oxidation-reduction reaction. This reaction involves changing the state of one or more elements. With the loss of an electron by a substance, the oxidation state increases, and it is called oxidized. Upon receipt of an electron by a substance, its oxidation state decreases.

Material chemistry

This branch of physical chemistry is also sometimes called solid state chemistry. This is a study of the structure, synthesis and various properties of solid materials. This industry partially coincides with thermodynamics, mineralogy, crystallography, metallurgy, ceramics and electronics with the synthesis of unique materials and their features. Solids are studied in two forms: one is crystalline and the other is amorphous. It depends on the location of the constituent particles.

Biophysical chemistry

This branch of physical chemistry combines the concepts of physics and chemistry to study biological systems. In this study, scientists are looking for information about various phenomena in biological systems. These systems can be molecules or supramolecules of a biosystem.

This area is also popular among materials science and technology. This area is associated with the discovery and development of new materials that are of a solid nature. The origin of material science was still in the era of enlightenment. During this period, researchers and scientists used their analytical knowledge in chemistry, technology, and physics to understand metallurgy and mineralogy of old age.


Spectroscopy is also a branch of physical chemistry. It relates to the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. This branch arose when studying the scattering of white light through a glass prism depending on the wavelength. A few years later, researchers also began to study the interaction of radioactive energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

The term spectrograph or spectroscopy is used to mean measurement of radiation intensity, and also helps in experimental spectroscopic methods. Here is a list of some spectrum measuring instruments:

Spectrum Analyzers

Physical Organic Chemistry

The name was first proposed by Louis Hammett in 1940. This branch of physical chemistry is closely related to organic chemistry. The focus is on the relationship between chemical structure and reactivity. Here in this area of ​​physical chemistry, scientists use physical chemistry tools. These tools allow you to study various organic molecules. The study has several main directions: relative chemical stability, reactive intermediates, transition states, starting materials, product of chemical reactions, non-covalent aspects of solvation and molecular interactions. These aspects affect chemical reactivity. Studies of these structures show how structural changes in a liquid or solid state affect the reaction mechanism.

The aforementioned branches of physical chemistry are the most important in relation to research and studies. Students who experience difficulty in understanding these areas of chemistry may receive help with online assignments from experienced authors. There are professionals who are willing to help you with pleasure. They will help you understand each topic and give you a comprehensive knowledge of all topics in physical chemistry.
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