World Health Organization (WHO)

world health organization
world health orgnization

The World Health Organization (English: World Health Organization, English abbreviation: WHO), Chinese abbreviated as WHO or WHO is one of the United Nations specialized agencies, the largest public health organization in the world, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is the world ’s largest Of intergovernmental health institutions. According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, the purpose of the World Health Organization is to make people all over the world get the highest level of health possible. The organization defines health as "the perfect state of physical, mental and social life. The main functions of the World Health Organization include: promoting the prevention and treatment of epidemics and endemic diseases; providing and improving education and training in public health, medical treatment of diseases and related matters; and promoting the determination of international standards for biological products. As of 2019, the World Health Organization has 194 member countries.

As of 2019, the World Health Organization has a total of 194 Member States. In addition to Liechtenstein, all other UN Member States have joined the World Health Organization, in addition to the New Egypt Cook Islands. (As long as a country ratifies the Constitutional Treaty of the World Health Organization, it is a member state with full rights). The member states of the World Health Organization will send delegations to participate in the World Health Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of the World Health Organization. All members of the United Nations are eligible to join the World Health Organization. According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization: "As long as other countries submit applications and pass more than half of the World Health Assembly, they will become members of the World Health Organization."

Associate Member

It means that a colony that does not have sovereignty and diplomatic powers can be applied for by a Member State in charge of its diplomatic affairs to become its associate member. The two associate members are Puerto Rico and Tokelau Islands.


After a political entity submits an application for membership before the application is not accepted by the WHO's organizational law and procedures, the Director-General of the WHO can consider the actual needs of the work and can invite these political entities to apply as the World Health Organization. Observers of the General Assembly participated in the meeting. Observer qualifications in the World Health Organization include sovereign states, quasi-sovereign states and non-governmental organizations. They have no voting rights and personnel distribution rights. They can only participate in the World Health Assembly for one week each year, and cannot obtain important documents about WHO.
Many other political entities participate in the World Health Organization as observers of the World Health Assembly. For example, Palestine, as a "national liberation movement" recognized by the League of Arab States, became an observer under the UN General Assembly Resolution 3118, the Holy See and Malta. The Knights are also observers. According to Resolution 2758 of the General Assembly of the United Nations and Resolution 25.1 of the World Health Assembly, Taiwan was invited to become an observer from 2009 to 2016 under the one-China framework. Its name is "China "Taipei" (English: Chinese Taipei), but not every year can get an invitation letter.

The United Nations' observation organization the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies also have official relations with the World Health Organization as observers. In the World Health Assembly, its seat is together with other non-profit organizations.


The World Health Assembly is the highest authority of WHO and is held once a year. The main tasks are to review the work report of the Director-General of the World Health Organization (English: Director-general), plan the budget, admit the new Member States and discuss other important issues.
The Executive Committee is the executive body of the World Health Assembly. It is responsible for implementing the resolutions, policies and mandated tasks of the General Assembly. It consists of 32 qualified technical experts in the field of health Approved by the Health Assembly, the term of office is three years, and one-third is elected every year. According to the Gentlemen ’s Agreement of the World Health Organization, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are inevitable members of the Executive Committee, but the seats will be in a year after the third year.
The Secretariat of the Permanent Establishment has 6 regional offices in Africa, America, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and Western Pacific.
As of 2019, there are two highest-level international emergency medical teams under the jurisdiction of WHO. One is established by the Israeli military and the other is established by Sichuan University in China. Usually accept the dual leadership of the owner country and WHO, type 3 level The medical team must be able to be airlifted to the disaster site at any time to establish a medical center-level hospital using tents or local buildings, and independently operate for at least one month to complete hundreds of operations per day, which is the highest level of mobile hospitals.
Regional Division

Six regions of the World Health Organization:

  Africa Region: Headquartered in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo
  Western Pacific Region: Headquartered in Manila, the capital of the Philippines
  Eastern Mediterranean Region: Headquartered in Cairo, Egypt
  Southeast Asia: Headquartered in New Delhi, the capital of India
  European Region: Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark
  Pan American Health Organization: Headquartered in Washington, DC
The World Health Organization has six regions around the world, as follows:

African Region

African Region (AFRO), headquartered in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. The African region includes most countries in Africa, except Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya, and Morocco, which are incorporated into the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Since Somalia does not have an effective government, it has not become a member of the region. In addition, the Western Sahara region with sovereignty disputes failed to join because it had no representatives.

European Region

The European Region (EURO), headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, includes most of Europe and Israel.

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia Region (SEARO), headquartered in the Indian capital New Delhi. In the WHO subregion, North Korea is included in this area, which is different from South Korea.

Eastern Mediterranean Region

Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO), headquartered in the Egyptian capital Cairo. The Eastern Mediterranean region includes all countries in the Middle East and African countries not included in the African region.

Western Pacific Region

(WPRO), headquartered in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The Western Pacific Region includes all countries in Asia outside Southeast Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean Region, as well as all countries in Oceania. Unlike North Korea, South Korea belongs to this region, not Southeast Asia. Among Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia are included in this region, but Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar are included in Southeast Asia. Hong Kong and Macau have independent seats in this regional committee and can independently speak and participate in various affairs and activities, but they do not have voting rights in elections and budgets. The current regional director of the Western Pacific Region is the Japanese-born Dr. Kasai Ken.
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