World Heritage Day 2020

World Heritage Day 2020

World Heritage Day 2020. On April 18, there is an increase in awareness of the importance of cultural diversity and its preservation for future generations. Let's take a closer look at the World Heritage theme, the theme of 2020, history and significance.
World Heritage Day 2020: Day on the preservation of the human heritage, diversity and vulnerability of monuments and heritage sites created in the world. In addition, the efforts necessary to protect it and to maintain and attract attention to it.

We all know that ancient buildings and monuments are a value for us and for the whole world. Therefore, World Heritage Day is the collective effort of the communities in the world to do whatever is necessary. This day will preserve the cultural heritage and make people think about its susceptibility.

World Heritage Day 2020: Theme

The theme for World Heritage Day 2020 is Common Culture, Common Heritage, and Common Responsibility. During global crises, when the whole world is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, the topic plays an important role. In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, the organization decided to celebrate World Heritage Day over the Internet. The topic focuses on global unity with the current global health crisis. It also recognizes that if a heritage is associated with landscapes, places, etc., it should be valued by numerous and diverse groups and communities.

The theme of World Heritage Day 2019 is Rural Landscapes. This year's International Day of Monuments and Places offers an opportunity to national and international scientific committees to raise awareness about the relevance of rural landscapes, the challenges associated with their conservation, the benefits that these efforts provide, and how rural landscapes are inextricably linked to sustainable development. development.

What are rural landscapes?

Area, whether land and water, which are jointly produced by the interaction of human nature for the production of food and other renewable natural resources, such as agriculture, livestock, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, gathering, hunting, and the extraction of other resources, such as salt and t D. Let us say that rural landscapes are a multifunctional resource. Therefore, all rural areas have cultural values ​​attributed to them by people and communities. So, we can say that all rural areas are landscapes.

World Heritage Day: History

World Heritage Day is celebrated every year on April 18 to preserve the human heritage and recognize all the efforts of the relevant organizations. The International Council for Monuments and Places (ICOMOS) declared April 18 World Heritage Day in 1982. It was endorsed by the UNESCO General Assembly in 1983 with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of cultural heritage, monuments and their conservation.
The organization of the International Council on Monuments and Places (ICOMOS) was based on the principles set forth in the Venice Charter, also known as the International Charter on the Preservation and Restoration of Monuments and Places of 1964.

World Heritage Day 2020: a celebration

On this day, the organization decided to celebrate this day via the Internet in connection with the outbreak of COVID-19. You can perform several actions, such as virtual conferences, online lectures, press releases, and social media campaigns. People can even publish their photos, information and videos about the common heritage and cultures of their country. They even say that to increase coverage, you can use hashtags to share as much as possible the message about the importance of heritage with friends, relatives and family. Those interested can also take the initiative and conduct webinars related to the heritage theme.

According to the International Council for Monuments and Places (ICOMOS):
1. Transfer of knowledge between generations: emphasize and share the importance of knowledge between generations in order to promote the ideal of ICOMOS for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage.
2. Youth leadership: professionals will appear in each country and organize events that will be aimed at reaching young members of a wider public community by demonstrating the creative use of social networks.
This process of communication between generations of heritage practitioners engenders enriching exchanges. Even combining the knowledge of experienced practitioners with new members will bring a more holistic approach to ongoing initiatives.

Therefore, the celebration of World Heritage Day is an opportunity to emphasize the importance of protecting, preserving and preserving our heritage. Various conferences related to the preservation of cultural heritage, lectures, trainings, round tables, poster presentations, etc. Allow you to talk about the importance of heritage and to widely note it.
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