What is Wordpress?


In short, WordPress is a system for creating and managing web pages (creating and editing its content) and is one of several existing CMSs.

The system has been around for 16 years since its launch in 2013, and it shows that it is a serious, powerful, and evolving system1, as it was originally only used to create blogs. Thousands of templates (themes) are now available on its official website, which helps improve the look and functionality of web pages.
It has an open system based on WordPress and free software features, which means you don't have to pay for user licenses because its code is created and supported by a large number of people, so you can get the system for free.

What is the purpose of WORDPRESS and who can handle it?

Many people use this type of system (CMS) for a simple reason. It helps to create and manage web pages without any knowledge of programming, so they can design content intuitively.
Development, now you can build a variety of websites, such as online stores, static pages, digital magazines, etc.
This was not the case at the beginning of the web, you must have some knowledge of a programming language called HTML. Creating content encoding in HTML is boring, useless and restricted.
For this reason, CMS was born because they are the manipulators of HTML without the user having to know this. This allows users to create their content using an easy-to-use and fast visual interface so that anyone without programming knowledge can implement it.

What is the difference between WORDPRESS.ORG and WORDPRESS.COM?

Many people who enter the world of creating this website will first ask themselves whether to set their blogs like Blogger or WordPress. Although most people use WordPress as their best choice for blogging, they don't know the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.


The platform is the best choice for managing web pages, you can download its platform on this website and then install it in any domain with its own host. We will show you how to make the best use of it and teach you all the benefits that the best content manager offers in order to use the platform's services, you need to know two basic things:

Own domain
Support services

Therefore, your website will have a professional style and will make more people trust your pages and content. If the host's cPanel has the option to download, you can install it in a few minutes or manually. Again, the system will be installed into your web project in a short time


This page provides services similar to Blogger. Like bloggers, when you create an account and blog on WordPress.com, your site will be hosted by it, and its serial domain is similar to a blog site but looks like this:
If you notice it's good, you don't need to own a hosted or own domain to use it. Sign up to get started, no need to spend money on the host, However, there are more restrictions on using it as it is a free service and does not look as professional and serious as using the WordPress.org platform.

When can I use WORDPRESS.COM?

In many cases, you can use this free platform, one of which is when you want to connect to or send more traffic to the main site or think that its traffic starts rarely
If you want a blog or other project (such as an online store), then the better option for you is WordPress.org, and in a sense we no longer make you doubt.

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