The Responsibility of software developer: software engineering

Software developer's responsibility:

Professional and ethical responsibility of a software developer:

Like other fields of engineering, software engineering is also performed within a legal system.
And the social structure that limits the freedom of engineers.

 Software engineers are a must know:
Developer should know that their job involves broader responsibilities than mere application
technical skills. They should also be morally and morally responsible
If they are respected professionally they will develop very accurate and need to fulfill software and use of this modern age and these modern needs so It goes without saying that you should always maintain a standard of honesty and integrity. You should not use your skills and abilities to treat anyone dishonestly In a way or in a way that will discredit the software engineering profession.

So As there are some areas where acceptable standards of conduct are not subject to the law
With a more rigorous idea of professional responsibility. Here are some of them:
1. PRIVACY You should generally respect your privacy, Whether a regular privacy agreement, employer or client has been signed.
2. Eligibility You should not misrepresent your ability level. You
You should not consciously accept something that is beyond your ability.
3. Intellectual Property Rights You should be aware of the local laws governing you
Use of intellectual property such as patents and copyrights. You must be careful to ensure that the intellectual property of employers and clients is protected.
Computer. Computer Abuse You should not use your technical skills to misuse other people's computers. Computer abuse ranges from relatively trivial (say, an employer's machine-driven game) to the most serious (spread of viruses).

Role of Big Societies:
Professional societies and organizations have a vital role to play in setting up
Moral standards. Organizations such as ACM, IEEE (Institute of Electrical)
And electronic engineers) and the British Computer Society publishes the Code of Professional Conduct or Code of Conduct. Members of these organizations made it. Follow this code when they sign up for a membership. These rules are a code of conduct Generally related to basic ethical behavior. ACM and IEEE have collaborated to develop a Code of Ethics. Professional practice.
In any situation where different people have different ideas and goals, you
Is likely to face moral dilemmas. For example, if you don't actually agree with most senior management policies in the company, 
so do you know that?
how should that be?
What's your reaction? 
it is very clear that this depends on the nature of the particular person and nature
Disagreement Is it better to discuss a matter for principle or to resign from within the organization? If you think there is a problem with the software

The project, when you show them to management? If you discuss them while they
You are just a skeptic, you will face a situation. If you leave it too late,
Problems can be impossible to solve. 
This is a particularly difficult situation for professional engineers when their
The employer acts in an unethical way. Says the company is responsible for product development
Due to severe security and time constraints, security verification is invalid
Is the engineer responsible for maintaining or informing the record?
By any means advertise to the user, that the provided system may be unsafe?
The problem here is that there is no problem when it comes to safety. Although
The system may not be correct by default, these standards can be very strict. This system can operate safely throughout its life. Its also a thing that, maybe when it properly validate maybe its failed.

Before and at the time of Development this software:

In this situation, it is important that both the employer and the employee become
Their thoughts already know each other. Where an organization is involved
Military or nuclear work should be able to explain that employees should be willing to accept responsibility for any task. Equally, if an employee is taken in and made
Make it clear that he does not want to work on such systems, employers should not put pressure on him at any date.

It is also the case that, even when properly validated, a system may fail. However, I find that his approach is very abstract and difficult to deal with every day In practice, I prefer a more concrete approach to the code of conduct. Exercise. I think ethics are best discussed in the context of software engineering. Not as an article in itself. In this book, therefore, I do not include a summary. Ethical Debates But where appropriate, include examples in these exercises. The point of collective debate on the issue of morality can be the beginning

An asset for software development:
There are many fields and software are in the market to develop software so all are good and some are very. in the next article, I'll try to elaborate on the software and assets to use in develop a software such as on top of the list in Java, Php, and python.

 so the other some will be explained in the next class. be connected and keep visiting our site to get more and beneficial knowledge about your IT needs approving material. using links as a click:
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