What is HTML and CODING ? session 1


HTML coding and implementation:

HTML stands for a hypertext markup language. this is not a programming language
All HTML documents must begin with the document type declaration: <!

The HTML document itself starts with <html> and ends with </html>.
The HTML code is generated in body tag so this is the complete tag is covered on this tag whic is body tag.
The html tag as open first this is closed after with same squence as first open like close after.
Coding practise of HTML:

Heading tags HTML
<Head>  knowledgehub92.info </Head>
<Title>   information technology and HTML </Title>
This is very interesting and knowledgeable site  for get information about fields of inormation technology like web development, web designing, Html ,css, php and wordpress. and Another side knowledge is also available for wix and shopify.


Background and Text color:
<Title>First website</Title>
<Body Bgcolor=”Red” Text=”Black”>

You can create your own website with HTML.
HTML is easy to learn
<p> This is a paragraph. </p>
<p> This is another paragraph. </p>
Text Style:
<h1 >This is a heading</h1>
<p >This is a paragraph.</p>
 knowledge hub

Text size:
The CSS property size property defines the text size for an HTML element:

<h1  = "font-size: 160%;"> A paragraph is a paragraph. </ p>

coding and preview:

now you can create your own website with html coding.
<b> - bold text
<strong> - Important text
<i> - Italic
<em> - Highlighted text
<small> - Small text
<del> - Deleted text
<ins> - The included text
<sub> - Subscription text
<sup> - Superscript text
<p><h3> Use of line break with paragph tag<h3/>
The mission of the knowledge92 to stop and prevent
the quick bron fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Links within a web page

Links within a web page allow visitors to move quickly from one part to another
. Available from stores
Guest to scroll down to view all content. Shop literature
The shop is literary
<a name="solar"> </a>
<a href="#solar"> Installed Solar Panels </a> so this is the hyper reference in joining the tag to make a link between files and locations of different, even when some coder want to set image in a webpage, should be set location means link of the image in HTML tag then it sets the image in a webpage. 

next to be continued, in the next Article; 

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