Four Most trusted Corona virus treatments

World Megatrials of the Four Most Trusted Corona Virus Treatments

A drug scandal already used against HIV was the first experiment to treat malaria during World War II. A new anti-viral promise against Ebola faded last year.
Can any of these drugs hold the key to preventing serious or fatal death in 19 patients? On Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a major global trial, called Solidarity, to determine if a new coronary virus could be cured for respiratory disease. This is an unprecedented effort - a cohesive, integrated push to rapidly gather strong scientific data during pandemic diseases. In this study, which can include thousands of patients in dozens of countries, it has been considered as easy as possible to even participate in a hospital invaded by an invasion of COVID-19 patients.

About 15% of COVID 19's patients are suffering from acute illness and hospitalization, urgently needed for treatment. So, instead of building compounds from scratch that can take years to prepare and test, researchers and healthcare agencies are trying to reconstruct already approved medicines for other diseases, Are safer. They are also watching unapproved drugs that have performed well in animal studies with two other deadly coronaviruses, which cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome.

Drugs that slow down or kill novel coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, can save lives for critically ill patients, but also to protect health care workers and others at higher risk of infection, as prophylactic. It can also be given at Treatment can also reduce the time patients spend in intensive care units, freeing up hospital beds.

Scientists have suggested dozens of available compounds be tested, but the World Health Organization is paying close attention to what it says is one of the four most popular therapeutic treatments: an experimental antiviral compound called Is called a remote cover. A combination of malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine; two HIV drugs, lopinavir and Rattana virus. And the same combination interferon beta, the immune system messenger that can help people with disabilities. Some data on their use have already surfaced in COVID 19 patients A small study of HIV tumor comorbidities failed in China, but WHO believes that most patients have Large trials that are guaranteed.

Enrolling articles in SOLIDARITY will be easy. When an individual is eligible for a COVID-19 certified case, the physician may insert patient data into the WHO's website, including any underlying conditions that may change the course of the disease, like diabetes or HIV infection. The participant must sign an informed consent form that is scanned and sent electronically to the WHO. After the therapist states which medicines are available at his hospital, the website will refer the patient to any of the available medicines or to COVID-19 in local standard care.
After that, no further measurements or documentation are needed, "says Anna Maria Henao-Restrepo, medical officer at WHO's Department of Immunization and Biology. Doctors say when the patient leaves the hospital or Dies, hospital stay, and whether the patient needs oxygen or ventilation, the doctor will record that day. "That's it."

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine

At a news conference on Friday, President Donald Trump called chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine a "game-changer." "I like it," Trump said. "Because of his remarks, the demand for anti-malaria has increased sharply for many years ." "It jogs my memory a touch of the trend of loo paper and every single shop But the race comes on. ")
According to an organization's report, the World Health Organization's scientific panel had originally decided to leave the couple out of the trial, but changed their heart at a March 13 meeting in Geneva, as one According to the report, the drug was "given significant attention" in many countries. WHO working group that looked at drug abilities. People with widespread interest emphasize the need to "examine emerging evidence to inform a decision about its potential role."

Ritonavir / Lopinavir

The drug, marketed as Calitra, was approved in the United States in 2000 for the treatment of HIV infection. Abbott Laboratories specifically developed lopinavir to prevent HIV protease, an important enzyme that transports a long protein chain to peptides during the assembly of new viruses. Because lopinavir is rapidly broken down into the human body by its own proteases, it is given with low levels of ritonavir, which prevents another protease, which can cause lopinavir to persist for longer.
This compound can also prevent the protease of other viruses, especially the coronavirus. It has shown efficacy in marmoset-infected macrocytes and has been tested in SARS and MARS patients, although the results of these tests are unclear.

Ritonavir / lopinavir + interferon beta

In solidarity, there will also be an arm that combines two antiviruses with interferon beta, a molecule that controls the inflammation in the body, which has also shown an effect in marmoset-infected macrocytes. In a previous randomized controlled trial for the disease, a combination of all three drugs is now being tested in Murs patients in Saudi Arabia.
But the use of interferon beta can be dangerous in patients with severe COVID-19, the Herald says. "If given this disease late, it can easily cause tissue damage instead of helping patients."

Thousands of patients

The design of the Solitaire Trial may change at any time. The World Data Safety Monitoring Board will consider interim results at regular intervals and will decide if any member of this constituency has a clear impact, or can be excluded because it is not explicitly so. Several other drugs, including the influenza drug Favipiravir developed by Japan's Toma Chemical, may also be included in the case.
Hana-Restrepo says thousands of patients will have to be recruited to get strong results from the study. Argentina, Iran, South Africa, and several other non-European countries have already reached an agreement. The WHO is also expecting a drug test to prevent health care workers from becoming infected, using the same basic protocol.

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