Research Areas of chemistry

Research Areas of chemistry
Research Areas of chemistry
Research Areas of chemistry

In these broad categories are innumerable fields of research, many of which have an important impact on our daily lives. Chemists improve many products, from the foods we eat and the clothes we wear, to the materials we build our homes from. Chemistry helps protect the environment and seeks new sources of energy.

Food chemistry

Food Science deals with three biological components of food - carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Carbohydrates are sugars and starches, a chemical fuel necessary for the functioning of our cells. Lipids are fats and oils that are integral parts of cell membranes and lubricate and soften organs in the body. Since fats have 2.25 times more energy per gram than carbohydrates or proteins, many people try to limit their intake to avoid being overweight. Proteins are complex molecules consisting of 100-500 or more amino acids, which are combined in chains and folded into three-dimensional forms necessary for the structure and function of each cell. Our bodies can synthesize some of the amino acids; however, eight of them, essential amino acids, should be taken as part of our food. Food scientists are also concerned about inorganic components of food, such as water, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.

Food chemists improve the standard , safety, storage and taste of our food. Food chemists can work in the private industry to develop new products or improve processing. They can also work in government agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration, to inspect food and processors to protect us from pollution or harmful activities. Food chemists test products to provide information used for food labels, or to determine how packaging and storage affect food safety and quality. Flavors work with chemicals to change the taste of food. Chemists can also work on other ways to improve sensory appeal, such as improving color, smell, or texture.

Ecological chemistry

Environmental chemists are studying how chemicals interact with the environment. Environmental chemistry is an interdisciplinary study that includes both analytical chemistry and an understanding of environmental science. Environmental chemists must first understand the chemical and chemical reactions that are present in natural processes in soil, water and air. Sampling and analysis can then determine if the human impact has affected the environment or caused harmful reactions to it.

Water quality is an important area of environmental chemistry. "Pure" water does not exist in nature; it always has minerals or other substances dissolved in it. Water quality chemists test rivers, lakes and ocean water for characteristics such as dissolved oxygen, salinity, turbidity, weighted sediments and pH. Water intended for human consumption should not contain harmful impurities and can be treated with additives such as fluorine and chlorine to increase its safety.


Agricultural chemistry is associated with substances and chemical reactions that are associated with the production, protection and use of crops and livestock. This is a very interdisciplinary field that relies on links with many other sciences. Agricultural chemists can work with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, or the private industry. Agricultural chemists develop fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides necessary for large-scale crop production. They should also monitor how these products are used and how they affect the environment. Nutritional supplements are designed to increase the productivity of meat and dairy herds.
Agricultural biotechnology is a rapidly growing area for many agricultural chemists. Genetic manipulation of crops for resistance to herbicides wont to control weeds within the fields requires an in depth understanding of both plants and chemicals at the molecular level. Biochemists need to understand genetics, chemistry, and business needs to create crops that are easier to transport or have a longer shelf life.

Chemical engineering
 Chemical engineers
Chemical engineering

Chemical engineers research and develop new materials or processes that include chemical reactions. Chemical engineering combines chemistry with engineering and economics to solve technological problems. Chemical engineering is divided into two main groups: industrial applications and the development of new products.
Industries require chemical engineers to devise new ways to make their products.
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