Waht is Javascript? a brief description:

what is javascript: Brief description 


An introduction to javascript:

Java is, in fact, to start or design for webpage live and to view it as it is on a webpage view.
They can be written in the HTML of a page and run automatically with the load of the page.
They don't require special preparation or compilation to run. this aspect, JavaScript is very different from any other language called Java.java is another programming language that is most extended form c and c++, also c# oop and java is the full-fledged programming language. so javascript is a different language for webpage view design creation.
knowledgehub92.info javascript file

Modern JavaScript is a "secure" programming language. It does not provide low-level access to memory or CPU, as it was initially designed for browsers that do not require it.
The capabilities of JavaScript depend greatly on the environment in which it is running. For example, node. JavaScript means js  is supporting functions that allow JavaScript to be able to read and write temporary files, perform network requests, and more. JavaScript in the browser can do web page manipulation, user interaction and everything related to the webserver.
Opening the Console In most current browsers, the JavaScript console has been integrated like a tab inside the Developer Tools. The shortcut keys listed below will open the Developer Tools, then it may be necessary to switch to the right tab. Opening the "Console"
 the panel of Chrome Dev Tools: Windows / Linux: Any of the following options. Ctrl + Shift + J Ctrl + Shift + I, then click on the "Web Console" tab or press ESC to switch F12 on and off the console, then click on the "Console" tab or press ESC to turn the console on and on. Toggle off. Mac OS: Cmd + Opt + J
some important about javascript:
  •  JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.
  •  Designed for creating network-centric applications.
  •  Complementary to and integrated with Java.
  •  Complementary to and integrated with HTML.
  •  Open and cross-platform.

Client-Side JavaScript:
 Client-side JavaScript is the most common form of language. The script should be included in or referenced by an HTML document for the code to be interpreted by the browser. It means that a web page need not be a static HTML, but can include programs that interact with the user, control the browser, and dynamically create HTML content. The JavaScript client-side mechanism provides many advantages over traditional CGI server-side scripts. For example, you might use JavaScript to check if the user has entered a valid e-mail address in a form field.

JavaScript Benefits
The advantages of using JavaScript are:
Server interaction: You can verify user input before sending a page
This saves server traffic away from the server, which means you are less burdened
Instant visitors: No need to wait for a page
Check back to see if they forgot to enter something.
Increased interactivity: You can create interfaces that react to user interaction
Hover over them with the mouse or activate them with the keyboard.
Rich interface: You can use JavaScript to add rich elements like drag android components and sliders to give your site visitors a rich interface.

Javascript Limitations:
We cannot understand JavaScript as a complete programming language. It lacks
The following are the main features:
ent Client-side does not allow reading or writing JavaScript files. it is
Placed for security.
It can not be used as a network application because it is not for that
It does not have multiprocessing capabilities.
Again, JavaScript is a lightweight, translated programming language
It allows you to create interactive HTML pages otherwise.

JavaScript  Development Tool One of the major strengths of JavaScript is that it does not require expensive development tools.
.It can edit just like any text editor, such as Notepad and Editor.
Since it's a translated language in the context of 13 web browsers, you don't even have to buy one.
To make our life easier, various vendors have come up with awesome JavaScript editing tools.
 Microsoft FrontPage: Microsoft has developed a well-known HTML editor called FrontPage.
The FrontPage provides web developers with numerous JavaScript tools that assist in the creation of interactive websites.
 Macromedia Dream Viewer MX: Macromedia DreamVeror MX Professional is a very popular HTML and JavaScript editor in the web development crowd.
It provides several easy pre-built JavaScript components blend well with the database and comply with new standards such as XHTML and XML
Rome Macromedia HomeSite 5: Home Site 5 Macromedia is a well-versed HTML and JavaScript editor that can be used to manage personal websites effectively.
  •  JavaScript can be implemented using the JavaScript statements contained within.
  •  Web page, but it is generally recommended that you put it in the <head>
  •   The tag warns the browser program to start translating all text in between

 Javascript First script code:
Let's take a sample example to print "Hello World".
This is to protect our code from the browser

Comments that do not support JavaScript will end with "// ->".
Javascript indicates a comment, so we will prevent the browser from reading.


<! -
Documents. Writing ("Hello World!")
// ->

This is a basic javascript description. so this is a code for designing the code to design javascript life. you may also contact on this descriptive website for the more sites and details to visit our website more knowledge on www.knowledgehu92.info

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